March 28, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
March 28th, 2020

The message of the Six of Pentacles in today’s reading is very literal. Give what we can to those in need.

However, the clarifying Lenormand cards are very specific today as well.

The Ring stands for cycles and promises. The Ship can symbolize travel from overseas. Our countries have a tradition of people crossing our borders for the promise of a better life, of a Garden of Eden. In today’s world, these immigrant communities may be undocumented or hidden mainly from the mainstream community. They work in the hotel industries, landscaping, housekeeping, in restaurants, in the building trades, in grocery stores. They may even be coworkers or members of our church or PTO.

As our governments struggle to find ways to give help to the legal citizens of our countries, these families that live and work alongside us, mostly hidden, are left vulnerable. In the USA, many may be scared to ask for medical or financial help for fear of deportation.

We are in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, and Spirit is asking us to let go of political divides, and to do what we can to help everyone in our villages, especially those that are undocumented and have no other recourse.

We can reach out to any nonprofits that specifically help this vulnerable population, or to their places of worship, and find out how we can safely give assistance, no matter how modest.

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