January 3rd, 2020

Two of Cups Reversed

Message to the World
January 3rd, 2020


The Two of Cups can represent partnerships, unions, and choices. All three sourcing from a place of love, authenticity, and acceptance. There is a contrast between the two figures who are connecting with each other. This is a partnership between fire and spirit.

In the reversed position, this card is asking us to look inside ourselves and work today on melding our actions, our passions, our drive, with our higher calling. Create a loving partnership, a synergy between our personal energy and focus, and our spirituality.

As within, without. By energetically moving without friction, with a unified focus, towards our Higher calling, we assist the world in re-aligning towards a more spiritual rotation.

Nitty Gritty: How? The New Year is a great time to reflect, and we have a weekend ahead of us. Find a pocket in the day, or over the weekend, without distraction, and find a place where you can really think about what lights you up. Write it down, and then jot down several ways that you can incorporate more of it into your daily or weekly routines. Give yourself permission to invest your time and energy into those pursuits that nourish your soul. That’s a great start.

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