January 22, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world for us to manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
January 22th, 2020

The Crossroads can represent the duality between concept and material manifestation, between our physical needs and spiritual needs. It speaks of choices and alternative paths.

In the Four of Swords, the figure is presented on a sarcophagus. They have completely shut down their physical and material urges so that they can focus entirely on their beliefs, using their intellect to dissect their prejudices – about the world and themselves. This card tells us to stop all physical activity, rest, and commune with ourselves, listen to our hearts, and to the Divine.

Our message is to be aware that we tread a layered road as we traverse our daily activities. Our feet propel us through the material world, while our hearts and minds touch an alternative path – the path towards our highest good. We should please take a moment today to focus entirely on our spiritual path so as not to lose sight of its thread.