I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?
Message to the World
April 8th, 2020
I have two interpretations, as the Lenormand cards can be read in two different ways.
The first way as knowledge of the law (BOOK + TOWER), and a lawyer (TOWER + FOX).
The second interpretation of THE BOOK + THE TOWER + THE FOX is: deceptive officials in governance have kept secrets from us.
The TEN OF PENTACLES here represents our legacies. The reversed position implies that this pinnacle of our Pentacles journey is imperiled in some way.
The first message is morbid but practical advice. In this time of uncertainty, make sure that if something happened to our loved ones or to us, that our legacy will be allocated the way we would like.
So we could contact our lawyers, if we have one, or look online for resources, to be sure that our family legacies or our life’s work are not left to our local government or courts to dispense of. It might ease some of our collective anxiety if we are confident we have protected our dependents, and that our assets will be distributed in a way that mirrors our core values.
The second message would be. By keeping knowledge from us, officials have damaged our financial success, savings, legacies. The cards are saying, “heads up, be aware that our trials today might, in part, be caused by the coverup or delay of information.”