May 19, 2020

I asked Spirit what message do you have for the world today to guide us towards our highest good?

Message to the World
May 19th, 2020 (19 The SUN, 10 Wheel of Fortune, 01 The Magician)

I was ready to run, fired by my passion, but now I am suspended. Perhaps the launch into adulthood from my vocational training landed me back in my parents’ home, sheltering-in-place with a scarcity of work options. People around me are scared. I am unable to celebrate my achievements with my peers. The world needs me at the top of my game, making choices focused on the well-being of others, filtered through conflicting facts. I am being challenged to grow up fast. I have the tools and training. If I set an intention, I can make it happen.

Or, perhaps I am an older person, considered mature, and have started thinking about the lessons that COVID19 is offering the world. My world’s perspective has shifted. My mind has become fertile ground for new ideas, ideas on the importance of spiritual peace, of health. I am considering how to pursue passions that align with my highest good. I am not afraid to begin a new vocation. I am incubating ideas.

May 18, 2020

I asked Spirit what message do you have for the world today to guide us towards our highest good?

Message to the World
May 18th, 2020 (18 The Moon, 09 The Hermit)

Three wands, three weeks. It takes three weeks, often, for symptoms of a COVID19 infection to show. That means that the statistics that we look at today represent the moment people were exposed to the virus, on average, three weeks ago. They reflect on what we were doing at that time. When you see today’s data, think back to our actions as a collective three weeks ago.

If we assume that because the curve is flattening today, life can return to normal and we can venture out without protecting the people around us with safe social distancing, we may very well see a surge in new cases in mid-June.

Our seniors are worried. They are the most vulnerable. When you look at the data today, please consider the three-week lag, and continue to protect our elderly.

The numerological cards today support this. THE MOON lets us know that things are not always as they appear. Landmarks around us may be illuminated with reflected light and obscured. THE HERMIT encourages us to maintain our solitude, and really look within when making our choices.

May 16, 2020

I asked Spirit what message do you have for the world today to guide us towards our highest good?

Message to the World
May 16th, 2020 (16 Tower, 07 The Chariot)

The Garden + The Lilies can represent a gathering of mature people. The Garden + the Birds, networking, internet, social media. The Lilies + The Birds can be a talkative elderly person or couple.

Today, we should take time to connect with the elders in our lives through social media, phone calls, zoom. Reach out and say hello. Isolation can be terrible cruelty for someone living alone whose peers might have already passed to the heavens. An attentive ear and kind words can make a world of difference.

March 29, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
March 29th, 2020
1st Draw: THE LILIES + THE HOUSE + THE SERPENT – Lenormand
2nd Draw: THE TREE + THE CROSS + THE BIRDS – Lenormand

The King of Cups reversed illustrates that this forced confinement inside our homes, deluged with disturbing news from the world, threatens our equilibrium. Emotions are running high, and risk capsizing us.

I drew the Lenormand clarifier cards twice because the first draw was not clear to me. Lilies Lenormand can represent the elderly or mature people in our lives. It also illustrates purity, calm, retirement, relaxation. The Lilies + The House + The Snake combination could indicate that we have a choice in our actions and reactions between purity and calmness, and lashing out at people poisonously. It could also mean that the elderly people in our homes are threatened by an outside poison or deceit.

The second time I drew the clarifiers, I pulled The Tree (health), The Cross (heartache), The Birds (siblings, flock, chatter). These three cards emphasize that heartache and trepidation about the health of ourselves and our loved ones, and the constant gossip or chatter about health, are also destabilizing our emotions.

Our message from Spirit today is to work to maintain emotional balance. If we have to tune out the world around us to do so, so be it. If we are in close and constant proximity to our housemates, we can try finding a separate nook, putting on headphones or earplugs, and immersing ourselves in our favorite music, in drawing or crafting, in a good novel, in meditation. Anything to give our hearts a respite from the outside chatter. If we are isolating alone, we can turn off our social media and our phones for a couple of hours, and do something for ourselves that requires our complete focus. Turning our attention from the external noise and worry to something creative or nourishing, will ease our hearts.

March 17, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
March 17th, 2020

This morning’s message is so clear.
We need to step up, transcend our egos and selfish needs, and look out for the elderly people in our lives.

The House Lenormand (our households) + The Lilies Lenormand (specifically, the elderly) + The Tree Lenormand (health).
The Lenormand trio is bluntly telling us that this message pertains to the well being of the elderly people in our households.

The Major Arcana Judgement card is letting us know that our actions will impact the vulnerable people that we love, and we need to keep that at the forefront of our minds. Stay mindful. Act with purpose. Our choice of behavior will either protect or harm those vulnerable to the coronavirus in our homes and villages.

We need to be honest with ourselves about our motivations, and if those motivations are not to help and protect, stop, and rethink what we are doing.

#dailytarotcards #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #tarotguidance #messagefromspirit #tarotlenormand #spiritmessagetotheworld #judgementtarot #thehouselenormand #thelilieslenormand #thetreelenormand

March 10, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
March 10th, 2020

First draw:
THE MOUNTAIN – Lenormand

Second draw:
THE DOG – Lenormand
THE LILIES – Lenormand

The Stars and the Tower fell out together – I see this pair as representing the internet. The Tower could be the “server towers,” which host and serve all of our online content, and the Stars are all of the sparks of connectivity.

When I first saw the Lenormand grouping, I was perplexed. There are a lot of different interpretations possible, so I did the Lenormand drawing again and pulled the Dog and the Lilies.

Our message today is to heed the warning/challenges (the Mountain) that the internet and social media are talking about, and stay put. Stay isolated (the Tower). Change plans, change perspectives, hang out. Suspend your travel plans.

The second draw could be emphasizing that this is particularly important for your elderly loved ones. (the Dog + the Lilies).

The Dog can also represent your best friend, soulmate, romantic partner, and the Lilies sometimes symbolize sexuality. So… if you are isolating at home, in limbo, with your spouse or lover, you may want to rekindle that physical love connection.

#dailytarotcard #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #hangedmantarot #themountainlenormand #thestarslenormand #thetowerlenormand #thedoglenormand #thelilieslenormand

March 2nd, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World

March 2nd, 2020
THE LILIES – Lenormand

The Lilies Lenormand card can represent our parents or older people in our lives. They also speak of wisdom and of a significant passage of time.

Parenting is an imperfect art, and those who raised us were often lost and reactionary. We all carry wounds in our hearts, inflicted by the thoughtless words of our elders when we were young. We all have self-doubts, and self-sabotaging prejudices, that stem from our internalization of words or actions that struck at us when we were most impressionable.

Today, Spirit wants us to acknowledge these wounds. Meditate. Think about them with the wisdom of time passed. Write them down. Forgive.

These are old aches that we may have carried for the majority of our years.  These sharp, damaging, translations of our parents/elders’ actions are ready to come free and heal. When we are cleansed of their shadow, our joy will brighten the world around us.

Today is a good day to start the process.

#dailytarotcard  #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #threeofswordsreversedtarot #thelilieslenormand #hearthealing

February 9, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
February 9th, 2020
THE LILIES – Lenormand

The Three of Pentacles speaks of collaboration, of artistry, of manifesting something beautiful from blueprints.

The Lilies can speak of serenity, maturity, the older people in our lives, and of things taking a long time.

The message today encourages us to embrace guidelines and advice to achieve mastery in our field, to turn to our elders for their wisdom, and to work as a team to manifest a shared dream.

Above all, I think this pair of cards urges us to add beauty to the structures of our days. In this one life-long endeavor, perhaps our bones, flesh, and organs are the blueprints, but the actions, the smiles, the words, the intentions that we animate them with become our contribution to the higher good.

#dailytarotcard #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #threeofpentaclestarot #thelilieslenormand

January 29, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world to help us to manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
January 29th, 2020
THE LILIES – Lenormand

Sometimes when we love people, our love feeds anxiety. We clutch at them, trying to control their actions, thinking that we know best, having only their best interests at heart.

Our message today is to love and support the ones we care for but do so without strings. Trust that Spirit watches over them, too. Trust that their journey is the right one for them. We will never surrender fully to Spirit if we can’t release our loved ones as well.

Love without parameters. Give without stipulations. If you bake someone a loaf of bread, don’t tell them that they can’t turn around and give that loaf to someone else. If they ask for advice, listen to them, and empower them, but don’t take their power to choose away. Give, if you want, because it opens your heart to give, not to control the recipient. One is born from love, the other from fear.

Have faith.