May 24, 2020

I asked Spirit what message do you have for the world today to guide us towards our highest good?

Message to the World
May 24th, 2020 (15 The Devil, 06 The Lovers)

Sometimes we might find ourselves at a fork in the road where all the choices are complicated, and we can’t see any positive outcomes.

The Lovers reversed tells us to search for guidance inside ourselves. Ask our shadow child. Ask our inner child. They may have insights that we are overlooking. Ask our hearts.

Have we made promises, contracts with unhealthy parts of ourselves, and do those contracts still serve us? Have we made promises to our highest good that we’ve forgotten? What do we want to explore further?

When faced with the fear of a wrong turn, we must stop and consult our intuition, letting the external chatter and opinions fall away. This is our journey, and as long as we truly understand why we make our decisions, we can more easily learn from them.

December 29, 2019

Message to the World
December 29, 2019


Inside The Lovers card, there is a garden where we stand, naked, completely exposed, and authentic. We accept our loved ones in their nakedness, and they welcome us in our vulnerability. The Archangel, Raphael, blesses us, and we look to him for guidance, always affirming that our actions are working towards our highest good.

The Lovers Card can symbolize the love of a person, but it can also express making choices from the position of this garden – holding this garden in our mind’s eye as we deliberate. Our hearts brim with authenticity and love as we choose within the boundaries set by the Angels for our highest calling. The Lovers card can also symbolize the need to unify two polar energies to create a whole, to wield love as a binder or a catalyst for transformation.

In the reversed position, we are all out of sorts. The world seems helter-skelter, no longer grounded in the loving garden. We might feel impatient with our loved ones and dissolution with ourselves. Our thoughts are muddled, the blessed road map obscured.

Our message today is to take a moment, close our eyes, breath deeply, exhale any anxiety, tension, or depression, and visualize ourselves standing firmly, once again, under the blessing of Raphael. We must stop the feeling of free-fall, and right ourselves.

In the reversed position, this card cautions us not to take shortcuts in our decisions today, but instead to honor our spiritual path.

It urges us to gaze with love and acceptance upon pieces of ourselves that we dislike and to discover the parts of ourselves that we admire, to accept in unity all of ourselves as we move into the new year.

It asks us, also, to look upon our companions with a vision that is clear of our self-doubts and irritants, and cherish them as they are. With an unfiltered gaze, we can decide if their influence in our lives benefits our higher calling. We can love the people in our lives, and choose to remove ourselves from their hemispheres if their company is toxic to our wellbeing.

Today, pick yourself up, recenter, clarify your spiritual goals, examine yourself and your surroundings with tenderness, and stay on the path to your Greater Good.