April 28, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to guide us towards our highest good?

Message to the World
April 28th, 2020 (18 The Moon, 9 The HERMIT)

The Bear (protection)
The Man + The Letter (postal worker, blogger, journalist)

Our professional journalists and postal workers protect Justice. They ensure that we have access to even, unbiased, information. In turn, we need to protect them. The freedom of the press and the guaranteed delivery of our mail is a crucial ingredient in a just and equitable society. We need to ensure that ballots can be mailed without bias, that letters can be sent without prejudice, that those journalists who try to look for impartial facts are not censured.

Through these voices, we will be able to look back on events with clear eyes to judge for ourselves accountability and consequences.

April 19, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to guide us towards our highest good?

Message to the World
April 19th, 2020 (18 The Moon, 9 The Hermit)

The Book + The Fox = workbook, manual
The Book + The Bear = powerful secret

Do we doubt that we are ready? Are we hanging back, looking for some workbook that we need to read, a powerful secret to be discovered before we can transcend to the next stage of our highest purpose?

What if it was as simple as turning to Spirit, lifting our arms, and saying, “here I am, as I am. how might I serve?”


April 1st, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today, what guidance, to help us manifest our highest good?

Today, I called out to ALL of our spirit guides, ancestors, and guardian angels, and the messages coming in were so individual that I ended up pulling three sets of cards. Maybe one of them will resonate with you.

First Draw:
Message to the World
April 1st, 2020
The Clover + The Home + The Lady – Lenormand clarifiers

In this draw, I am interpreting THE LADY as representing something domestic. (It can also be our feminine side, ourselves if we identify as female or a significant woman in our lives). The Clover stands for good fortune, luck, and The House for our household and homes.

This first message shouts out to all of us who are starting to feel like being shut in is a stroke of good fortune. Our forced inaction is allowing us to rekindle domestic interests, or igniting new ideas for home-based projects. Spirit today encourages us in these pursuits, whatever they might be. It could be doing things together with our families, exploring new domestic talents like cooking, sewing, redecorating, or maybe launching podcasts and live streaming videos from our homes on topics that interest us. Good for us!

Second Draw:
Message to the World
April 1st, 2020
The Whip + The Ring + The Heart – Lenormand clarifiers

In this draw, I am interpreting The Whip Lenormand as representing “beating ourselves up about something,” The Ring as promises, and the Heart is our loved ones or something that we love to do.

The second message is to STOP beating ourselves up if today’s events are keeping us from fulfilling promises that we’ve made to loved ones, or to ourselves about interests that are dear to us.

We know best how to push our own buttons, and when we don’t fulfill promises that might be sacred to us or measure up to personal ideals, we come down harder on ourselves than others might. Especially when we are isolated, or scared, or feel powerless, it’s easy to self-sabotage.

Maybe we are unable to visit elderly family members who are in assisted living facilities despite vowing long ago that we would always be there for them. Perhaps we can’t take our children on the vacation that we promised them, or, even, had to cancel our wedding.

All fitness classes and facilities are closed, and maybe we just don’t have the space to continue at home, despite our best intentions.

Whatever it might be, this message is to forgive ourselves for these circumstances that are beyond our control. Stop wasting energy self-flagellating for things we can’t do anything about, and turn our focus on what we can do, instead.

Third Draw:
Message to the World
April 1st, 2020
The Bear + The House + The Dog – Lenormand

In the Nine of Cups, I always see all of those chalices up on the pedestal behind the figure as representing the man’s loved ones and emotional connections. He sits proudly in front of the display, saying, “These are my riches.” You will notice, too, that he is keeping an acceptable social distance from them. His arms are crossed in front of him. He is not touching, hugging, or breathing on them.

The Bear can represent protection. The House Lenormand, our household, our close friends and family. The Dog Lenormand, trustworthiness, loyalty.

This third message is to keep up the excellent work! Our shelter-in-place is helping to protect the people that we hold dear.

March 9, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
March 9th, 2020
THE STAR – Tarot
THE BEAR + THE HEART – Lenormand

I just read in a forum thread on Biddy Tarot the words of a wise member who said, “The Star follows the upheaval of the Tower where we are laid bare and struck down to our lowest point. It is from this point that we have nothing but hope and trust in the Universe left to turn to, and it is often from this perspective that we truly open to the guidance the Universe has to offer. ”

The Bear Lenormand in this reading stands for Protection and the Heart Lenormand for love. Spirit watches us, guards us, cherishes us.

I’ve come to realize that Spirit answers all questions that I direct at it, from myself and from the people I’m doing readings for. No matter is too trivial for an answer. Spirit cares about each and every one of us and about all of our foibles.

Today’s message is a reminder that Spirit watches over us with love at all times. And when we find ourselves on the far side of a “Tower Moment,” Spirit is there to offer us unconditional love and guidance.

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