May 25, 2020

I asked Spirit what message do you have for the world today to guide us towards our highest good?

Message to the World
May 25th, 2020 (16 The Tower, 07 The Chariot)

Most of us rely on support groups, peer groups of some sort or another. We belong to online forums, book clubs, sports leagues, alumni associations, communities of friends. We read their posts on Facebook and Instagram. We often share similar interests and beliefs about the world.

However, sometimes, with the best of intentions, our friends can give us faulty advice. Before we jump on our stallions, brandishing our wands, ready to champion our cause, Spirit advises us to stop and think about all of our sources of information. To sift them. Inhale them, exhale them, and see how they sit with our intuition. Be sure the foundation that you are launching yourself from is grounded in your truth, and not solely that of others.

May 18, 2020

I asked Spirit what message do you have for the world today to guide us towards our highest good?

Message to the World
May 18th, 2020 (18 The Moon, 09 The Hermit)

Three wands, three weeks. It takes three weeks, often, for symptoms of a COVID19 infection to show. That means that the statistics that we look at today represent the moment people were exposed to the virus, on average, three weeks ago. They reflect on what we were doing at that time. When you see today’s data, think back to our actions as a collective three weeks ago.

If we assume that because the curve is flattening today, life can return to normal and we can venture out without protecting the people around us with safe social distancing, we may very well see a surge in new cases in mid-June.

Our seniors are worried. They are the most vulnerable. When you look at the data today, please consider the three-week lag, and continue to protect our elderly.

The numerological cards today support this. THE MOON lets us know that things are not always as they appear. Landmarks around us may be illuminated with reflected light and obscured. THE HERMIT encourages us to maintain our solitude, and really look within when making our choices.

May 16, 2020

I asked Spirit what message do you have for the world today to guide us towards our highest good?

Message to the World
May 16th, 2020 (16 Tower, 07 The Chariot)

The Garden + The Lilies can represent a gathering of mature people. The Garden + the Birds, networking, internet, social media. The Lilies + The Birds can be a talkative elderly person or couple.

Today, we should take time to connect with the elders in our lives through social media, phone calls, zoom. Reach out and say hello. Isolation can be terrible cruelty for someone living alone whose peers might have already passed to the heavens. An attentive ear and kind words can make a world of difference.

April 3, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
April 3rd, 2020

The Fox: one’s work, and also cunning.
The Whip/Broom: clearing away, sweeping out.
The Garden: gathering places

As public gathering places are being swept clean, emptied by the measures to contain the spread of COVID19, jobs are being affected. Many of us either are not able to work, or our customers are unable to work. It is going to take strategy and cunning to figure out how to keep our households financially stable.

Pentacles are the suit of earth and symbolize coins, hearth, and home.
Today we are being asked to put on our crowns, and manage our kingdoms, to prepare for the upcoming weeks and months.
Spirit advises us to get an accurate look at our expenses and to come up with a budget, a strategy. What bills might we be able to defer? Are there loans or unemployment benefits available? What can we cut out of our expenses? What other options for income do we have?

We can empower ourselves and remove some of our future anxiety by figuring out a plan today.

March 28, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
March 28th, 2020

The message of the Six of Pentacles in today’s reading is very literal. Give what we can to those in need.

However, the clarifying Lenormand cards are very specific today as well.

The Ring stands for cycles and promises. The Ship can symbolize travel from overseas. Our countries have a tradition of people crossing our borders for the promise of a better life, of a Garden of Eden. In today’s world, these immigrant communities may be undocumented or hidden mainly from the mainstream community. They work in the hotel industries, landscaping, housekeeping, in restaurants, in the building trades, in grocery stores. They may even be coworkers or members of our church or PTO.

As our governments struggle to find ways to give help to the legal citizens of our countries, these families that live and work alongside us, mostly hidden, are left vulnerable. In the USA, many may be scared to ask for medical or financial help for fear of deportation.

We are in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, and Spirit is asking us to let go of political divides, and to do what we can to help everyone in our villages, especially those that are undocumented and have no other recourse.

We can reach out to any nonprofits that specifically help this vulnerable population, or to their places of worship, and find out how we can safely give assistance, no matter how modest.

#dailytarotcards #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #tarotguidance #messagefromspirit #tarotlenormand #spiritmessagetotheworld #sixofpentaclestarot #theringnlenormand #thegardenlenormand #theshiplenormand

February 29, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World

February 29th, 2020
THE GARDEN – Lenormand

This is the same pair of cards that I drew on the 24th, so there must be more to this message than what I wrote then.

The ACE OF SWORDS can represent new ideas, new actions, a new truth. Swords being the suit of air and communication, this could be a new way to communicate for us, or deciding to act on a new truth or idea.

THE GARDEN Lenormand card represents a social situation, a gathering, networking. It can also literally mean a garden or outdoor gathering place.

Perhaps our message today is to speak out or take action, engaging other people. For example, today might be the perfect day to offer live Tarot readings at a local gathering place.

Maybe it is time to communicate on a forum or social media platform that you are involved with and share your insights and ideas.

I think Spirit is encouraging us to walk our talk – or speak our thoughts. If the path to our higher calling has been like a nebulous dream or wish in our private thoughts, today might be an excellent day to outwardly step upon it.

#dailytarotcard  #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #theaceofswordstarot #thegardenlenormand

February 24, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
February 24th, 2020
THE GARDEN – Lenormand

New insights and solutions can be sparked by mingling and networking with others. Today might be a good day to be social, meet new people, and to listen.


February 3, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
February 3rd, 2020
THE GARDEN – Lenormand

The Three of Cups shows friends, celebrating together, and The Garden Lenormand card represents social gatherings as well.

These two cards together are a clear message to get out of the house and gather joyfully with friends.

Where I live on the East Coast of the USA, though the days are getting longer, the nights are long and dark. The earth is dormant. It is cold out. The holidays are long past, and finances may be tight. It is easy to isolate and start to wallow in worries and loneliness. It is already dark out when we wrap up our workday, and it can be challenging to venture out into the cold night.

Spirit is encouraging us to make an effort to leave the house and connect with our friends and community. Invite people to meet you for dinner, bowling, dance, or drinks somewhere. Go to the local pub and enjoy the camaraderie. Meet up for lunch or for tea if traveling after dark is not an option. Lift each other up, reach out, smile.

When the sun isn’t shining, it is all the more important to soak in the warmth of other people’s companionship and to shine your light on others.

#dailytarotcard #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #thethreeofcupstarot #thegardenlenormand