May 24, 2020

I asked Spirit what message do you have for the world today to guide us towards our highest good?

Message to the World
May 24th, 2020 (15 The Devil, 06 The Lovers)

Sometimes we might find ourselves at a fork in the road where all the choices are complicated, and we can’t see any positive outcomes.

The Lovers reversed tells us to search for guidance inside ourselves. Ask our shadow child. Ask our inner child. They may have insights that we are overlooking. Ask our hearts.

Have we made promises, contracts with unhealthy parts of ourselves, and do those contracts still serve us? Have we made promises to our highest good that we’ve forgotten? What do we want to explore further?

When faced with the fear of a wrong turn, we must stop and consult our intuition, letting the external chatter and opinions fall away. This is our journey, and as long as we truly understand why we make our decisions, we can more easily learn from them.

May 15, 2020

I asked Spirit what message do you have for the world today to guide us towards our highest good?

Message to the World
May 15th, 2020 (15 Devil, 06 The Lovers)

In our enthusiasm to leave our homes, and our longing for normal behaviors, are we turning our backs on those among us who suffer from chronic health issues? Venture out, yes. Step outside the confines of sheltering-in-place with glee, but not with foolish glee. We mustn’t get careless and drop our guards.

It is so easy to forget when the killer is invisible. Wearing a mask and gloves are not second nature to many of us. However, for the love of those among us who are most vulnerable to the fatal side effects of the COVID19 virus, I feel that Spirit urges us with these cards to remain careful. Maybe we can don our protective gear with intention while sending a love blessing to all those in this world who we guard, nurture, show love for, even if we have never met them.

Today’s numerological cards are THE DEVIL and THE LOVERS. This lends extra caution not to let our lust for pleasures blind us from making choices centered in the Highest Good.

Let’s turn that Knight of Cups around and offer that chalice to those anxious individuals suffering from chronic health issues.

April 1st, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today, what guidance, to help us manifest our highest good?

Today, I called out to ALL of our spirit guides, ancestors, and guardian angels, and the messages coming in were so individual that I ended up pulling three sets of cards. Maybe one of them will resonate with you.

First Draw:
Message to the World
April 1st, 2020
The Clover + The Home + The Lady – Lenormand clarifiers

In this draw, I am interpreting THE LADY as representing something domestic. (It can also be our feminine side, ourselves if we identify as female or a significant woman in our lives). The Clover stands for good fortune, luck, and The House for our household and homes.

This first message shouts out to all of us who are starting to feel like being shut in is a stroke of good fortune. Our forced inaction is allowing us to rekindle domestic interests, or igniting new ideas for home-based projects. Spirit today encourages us in these pursuits, whatever they might be. It could be doing things together with our families, exploring new domestic talents like cooking, sewing, redecorating, or maybe launching podcasts and live streaming videos from our homes on topics that interest us. Good for us!

Second Draw:
Message to the World
April 1st, 2020
The Whip + The Ring + The Heart – Lenormand clarifiers

In this draw, I am interpreting The Whip Lenormand as representing “beating ourselves up about something,” The Ring as promises, and the Heart is our loved ones or something that we love to do.

The second message is to STOP beating ourselves up if today’s events are keeping us from fulfilling promises that we’ve made to loved ones, or to ourselves about interests that are dear to us.

We know best how to push our own buttons, and when we don’t fulfill promises that might be sacred to us or measure up to personal ideals, we come down harder on ourselves than others might. Especially when we are isolated, or scared, or feel powerless, it’s easy to self-sabotage.

Maybe we are unable to visit elderly family members who are in assisted living facilities despite vowing long ago that we would always be there for them. Perhaps we can’t take our children on the vacation that we promised them, or, even, had to cancel our wedding.

All fitness classes and facilities are closed, and maybe we just don’t have the space to continue at home, despite our best intentions.

Whatever it might be, this message is to forgive ourselves for these circumstances that are beyond our control. Stop wasting energy self-flagellating for things we can’t do anything about, and turn our focus on what we can do, instead.

Third Draw:
Message to the World
April 1st, 2020
The Bear + The House + The Dog – Lenormand

In the Nine of Cups, I always see all of those chalices up on the pedestal behind the figure as representing the man’s loved ones and emotional connections. He sits proudly in front of the display, saying, “These are my riches.” You will notice, too, that he is keeping an acceptable social distance from them. His arms are crossed in front of him. He is not touching, hugging, or breathing on them.

The Bear can represent protection. The House Lenormand, our household, our close friends and family. The Dog Lenormand, trustworthiness, loyalty.

This third message is to keep up the excellent work! Our shelter-in-place is helping to protect the people that we hold dear.

March 28, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
March 28th, 2020

The message of the Six of Pentacles in today’s reading is very literal. Give what we can to those in need.

However, the clarifying Lenormand cards are very specific today as well.

The Ring stands for cycles and promises. The Ship can symbolize travel from overseas. Our countries have a tradition of people crossing our borders for the promise of a better life, of a Garden of Eden. In today’s world, these immigrant communities may be undocumented or hidden mainly from the mainstream community. They work in the hotel industries, landscaping, housekeeping, in restaurants, in the building trades, in grocery stores. They may even be coworkers or members of our church or PTO.

As our governments struggle to find ways to give help to the legal citizens of our countries, these families that live and work alongside us, mostly hidden, are left vulnerable. In the USA, many may be scared to ask for medical or financial help for fear of deportation.

We are in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, and Spirit is asking us to let go of political divides, and to do what we can to help everyone in our villages, especially those that are undocumented and have no other recourse.

We can reach out to any nonprofits that specifically help this vulnerable population, or to their places of worship, and find out how we can safely give assistance, no matter how modest.

#dailytarotcards #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #tarotguidance #messagefromspirit #tarotlenormand #spiritmessagetotheworld #sixofpentaclestarot #theringnlenormand #thegardenlenormand #theshiplenormand

March 12, 2020

Message to the World
March 12th, 2020
THE KEY + THE RING – Lenormand

The Devil can represent situations that are binding us to the material realm and blinding us to Spirit. The Key Lenormand card can represent unlocking, but it can also represent the locking up of information, of keeping things secret. The Ring Lenormand card often symbolizes relationships, contracts, and cycles.

This message is asking us to evaluate if we have relationships in our lives that bind us to secrets. Maybe, over time, an accumulation of hidden baggage that weighs us down, keeping us from our highest good. Spirit asks us to look at the promises that we’ve made, promises to hold things in, to hide actions and information, and assess if it is spiritually healthy to continue to do so.

Some secrets are like splinters and can fester if left embedded too long. They distract from the present and make a mindful life difficult. If you carry some of those inside you, you may want to find a trusted source to talk to about them, or, you could start to write them down, to express them. Burn what you write afterward if you feel compelled to, but begin the process of extraction.

#dailytarotcards #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #tarotguidance #messagefromspirit #tarotlenormand #spiritmessagetotheworld #thedeviltarot #thekeylenormand #theringlenormand

February 13, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World

February 13th, 2020


THE RING – Lenormand

Our message today is one of self-care.

We won’t be able to uphold our commitments to others or to Spirit if we get run down, physically, and emotionally.

This pair of cards is a reminder to stop and mindfully act to unblock and replenish our spiritual, intuitive, and creative flow.

Breathe deeply. Meditate. Take a Nap. Ground. Walk outside. Dance. Whatever works for you. Today is a good day to tend ourselves.

#dailytarotcard  #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #aceofcupsreversedtarot #theringlenormand

February 10, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
February 10th, 2020
THE RING – Lenormand

With THE RING, Spirit reminds us of its promise to be with us eternally, ever-present, ready to renew us.

Those moments, days, weeks, where we feel spiritually empty inside, wholly depleted, like our well has run dry, and hopelessness starts to multiply the darkness inside us. In those moments, we forget that promise. Like the impoverished figures in the five of pentacles, we have our backs to it.

The message today is that we don’t need to do everything on our own. We don’t need to deplete our finite human energy to tackle daily physical and emotional challenges. Spirit is always present and ready to renew us if we only open ourselves up.

Inhale. Exhale. Welcome, Spirit.

#dailytarotcard #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #fiveofpentaclesreversedtarot #theringlenormand

January 18, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world for us to manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
January 18th, 2020
THE RING – Lenormand

If we have been working on consensus building, cooperation, a long term partnership, this is a message of encouragement that our efforts are lining up and gaining momentum.

This message could also be telling us that today is a good day to start building consensus, cooperation, community, and partnerships. We should be lining up our goals towards an outcome of inclusiveness and unity and not divisiveness.