January 15, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world for us to manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
January 15th, 2020
FISH – Lenormand

Judgement is about transcending to the next stage of our spiritual journey – an awakening. It is also about transparency. We stand naked before the angels with all of our past actions and rationalizations exposed.

The Fish Lenormand card is about finances, abundance, independence, and flow.

Our message today is to utilize our finances to reinforce our spiritual journey. If we have the choice, we should spend our money only supporting those companies and causes that align with our moral compass, and demand transparency of the businesses where we put our coin. Align the power of our economy with our soul’s path. We must start to fund the companies and entities that help and protect what we want to preserve and stop assisting the businesses that are destroying what we hold dear.

January 14, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world for us to manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
January 14th, 2020

In today’s reading, I pulled THE CROSSROADS from Pixie’s Astounding Lenormand deck to clarify the Rider Wait Tarot card.

Every day we make choices. Some are more difficult and portentous than others. Today’s message is not to let peer pressure or fear of public opinion turn us from the path to our Highest Good. Listen to Spirit and your heart, and choose the road that enlightens and heals.

January 13, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world for us to manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
January 13th, 2020
THE LETTER – Lenormand

In today’s reading, I pulled THE LETTER from Pixie’s Astounding Lenormand deck to clarify the Rider Wait Tarot card.

The King of Cups does not let his emotions rule him. Instead, he harnesses them to drive his actions. One feeling does not dominate another.

If you are feeling strong emotions today, use them as an impetus to write letters. Politics churning up anxiety inside you? Draft a message or email to your representatives. Are you riled up about social and environmental issues? Pen an opinion piece for your local paper. Are you feeling strong affection, nostalgia, or love for a friend? Send them a note. Maybe a deluge of confused feelings are swamping you today, write in your journal to sort them out. The act of writing empowers us to funnel our emotions into gestures of love and constructive action.

Please don’t send hate mail. If you need to pen toxic verse, go ahead and do so, but then shred or burn it. Use the act of writing to cleanse you of negative thoughts and feelings, to put them in perspective so that they don’t overwhelm love.


January 12, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world for us to manifest our highest good?

Message to the World


The Eight of Wands can mean change, travel, momentum. The Oracle Card from Moonology, the New Moon in Cancer, is telling us to focus on our loved ones and family today.

The combined message is to break from our routine and reach out to our family today. Our projects are progressing quite nicely without our tinkering. Instead, we should put our work down and travel to visit a loved one, friend, or acquaintance. Reach out to a loved one today, either by taking time to drop by, to meet them somewhere, or even picking up the phone or writing a note. Travel to nurture a loved one today, virtually or physically.

January 10, 2020

I’ve been asking Spirit what message it has for the world today, for us to manifest our highest good.

Message to the World
January 10th, 2020

Greet each morning with enthusiasm. Every day holds a seed of potential, to ignite your creative passions.

January 9, 2020

I’ve been asking Spirit what message it has for the world today, for us to manifest our highest good.

Message to the World
January 9th, 2020

Let us be open-minded today. Consider looking at events around us from other people’s perspectives.


January 8, 2020

Nine of Cups

I’ve been asking Spirit what message it has for the world today, for us to manifest our highest good.

Message to the World
January 8th, 2020

Look at how happy this man is, who sits in front of his most valued possessions – his cups.

He is not a wealthy man, per se. He is sitting on a plain wooden bench, dressed in his best clothes, which are devoid of embellishments.
However, He is displaying his cups on an elevated pedestal covered with a luxurious blue fabric.

Cups are the suit of water representing emotions, creativity, empathy, and intuition. What this man prizes above all are his emotional connections, and he is full of joy.

The message for us today is to shift our perceptions of what is valuable, what will sustain us, from material things to emotional connections. It is the threads of all the people in our life’s tapestry that make it strong and beautiful.

#dailytarotcard #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #nineofcups

January 7, 2020

Wheel of Fortune

I’ve been asking Spirit what message it has for the world today, for us to manifest our highest good.

Message to the World
January 7th, 2020

I was on social media last night and was overwhelmed by the amount of fear, uncertainty, and anger flooding the news feeds. It disturbed my heart.

Today’s card is a reminder to all of us that life proceeds in cycles and that fortunes change. Things are going to look up. We must have faith.

The Wheel of Fortune might also be advising us to focus on life’s natural cycles, the deep cycles, the constant wheel of time that turns no matter what situational events are hitting our news feeds. These foundational cycles are what we all have in common: the tides, the moon cycles, the seasons, birth and death, and the growth in between, our quest for love and procreation, our devotion to our offspring, our search for Spirit and happiness. This profound, slow-moving journey that we all share on our individual souls’ paths.

The one constant is that life cycles, and what appears dire today will reveal pockets of joy tomorrow. We are together in our journey, even if our paths don’t look the same.

January 6, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world for us to manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
January 6th, 2020

Swords are the suit of air, communication, prejudice.

It is time to let go of our grudges, forgive, and heal.

Holding a grudge is akin to carrying a sharp sword through one’s heart. It mostly hurts the bearer. You are unable to love to your full capacity. Even getting close to another human, can pinch.

In the reversed position, gravity, combined with the weight of the sword handles, will allow easier removal. The swords represent old wounds and grudges that we are carrying, inflicted by people’s words and prejudices.

Spirit is telling us to identify and release these grudges so that we can heal and move forward with whole hearts.

In the reversed position, obscurity wells up around the bottom of the card, clouds that could represent the moisture of emotions hitting air, the debris from bombs, smoke from fires – our world right now is full of clouds, they surround us. Tears from the heavens are falling into emotional and physical destruction. Now is the time to let go of what is dividing us as individuals, so that we can love at our fullest capacity, and work together to heal.

The nitty-gritty: Today is a good day to take a moment for introspection and reflection. Find a quiet pocket in your schedule where you can breathe, center, and examine your heart. Lie down so that your heart is upside down, similar to the card, and you can envision the swords falling from it with ease. Do you have a pinching feeling in your chest? Any discomfort or sorrow? Anger? The first step is to identify what you are holding on to that is continuing to fester. Once you identify the ‘sword’, imagine it falling from your heart. Breathe love into the hole that is left from its absence, and visualize it closing. Maybe repeat an affirmation: “I release this sharp feeling. I mend my heart. My heart is healthy and whole.” Write about your feelings and experience.