February 4, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
February 4th, 2020
THE SHIP – Lenormand

The ship can indicate crossing over, other worlds, navigating, different dimensions as well as travel.

In this dormant season, where the nights are long and quiet, and the earth appears to wait, shrouded in cold, people and animals hibernate in their homes.

It is a time of introspection, void of distractions. Spring’s creative bursts of energy, summer’s outdoor events and activities, and fall’s drive to harvest are but memories.

In this quiet time, we may have emotions and ignored facets of ourselves that start to emerge from our subconscious. These feelings can sometimes be overwhelming.

Our message today is that Spirit is the boat that will keep us from drowning, which will help us to navigate these surfacing tides. If we start to feel swamped, we can ask Spirit to hold us and to help us acknowledge, honor, and release.

#dailytarotcard #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #themoontarot #theshiplenormand

February 3, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
February 3rd, 2020
THE GARDEN – Lenormand

The Three of Cups shows friends, celebrating together, and The Garden Lenormand card represents social gatherings as well.

These two cards together are a clear message to get out of the house and gather joyfully with friends.

Where I live on the East Coast of the USA, though the days are getting longer, the nights are long and dark. The earth is dormant. It is cold out. The holidays are long past, and finances may be tight. It is easy to isolate and start to wallow in worries and loneliness. It is already dark out when we wrap up our workday, and it can be challenging to venture out into the cold night.

Spirit is encouraging us to make an effort to leave the house and connect with our friends and community. Invite people to meet you for dinner, bowling, dance, or drinks somewhere. Go to the local pub and enjoy the camaraderie. Meet up for lunch or for tea if traveling after dark is not an option. Lift each other up, reach out, smile.

When the sun isn’t shining, it is all the more important to soak in the warmth of other people’s companionship and to shine your light on others.

#dailytarotcard #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #thethreeofcupstarot #thegardenlenormand

February 2, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
February 2nd, 2020
THE STORK – Lenormand

The stork – transformation, change, improvements

Grieving is healthy when we acknowledge and honor it, and allow it to pass through us. When we cling to it, viewing the world through a haze of loss, focusing on, and consumed by the negative, we miss the opportunities for positive change and transformation that Spirit is sending to us.

If you do nothing else today, write down five things that you are grateful for.

#dailytarotcard #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #thefiveofcupstarot #thestorklenormand

February 1st, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
February 1st, 2020
THE SUN – Lenormand

illuminating the love in our lives

When we live a life in love, in harmony, one balanced between Spirit and our physical needs, we shine.

Honor your loved ones today. Be assured that when you make choices that are true to your higher calling, and grounded in love, Spirit will warm you and illuminate your way.

January 31, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world to help us to manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
January 31st, 2020
THE BIRDS – Lenormand

The Queen of Wands – Capable of manifesting one’s passions. Getting things done. Driven and social.
The Birds – Conversation, a meeting with friends.

This might be a good day to meet a friend or colleague over coffee, tea, wine – or to pick up the phone. An excellent day to network. To open up and talk about what is lighting you up these days. Not to talk about work, or school, or the mundane, instead, share what excites you! (Unless those are the topics that you’re most passionate about.)

To articulate your fire is to nourish it. The breath of your conversation will strengthen it.


January 30, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world to help us to manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
January 30th, 2020
THE MOON – Lenormand

The moon can mean recognition, as well as creativity, imagination, dreams, and psychic abilities. It can also represent the female cycles of fertility and menstruation.

The Seven of Pentacles reversed appears when we have been putting tremendous time and effort into a project, and the lack of progress and acknowledgment frustrates us.

Here are some possible messages from Spirit:

Look with intuition and creativity and figure out what to weed from your process to use time more efficiently.

Did you plant the right seeds to get the harvest that you want?

Be patient. Everything cycles at its own pace.

Don’t depend on recognition from outside sources for your contentment. Work for your own sense of accomplishment.

Nothing is ever wasted. Every step something is learned, a new lesson or skill. Even if we need to start over.

#dailytarotcard #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #sevenofpentaclesreversedtarot #themoonlenormand

January 29, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world to help us to manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
January 29th, 2020
THE LILIES – Lenormand

Sometimes when we love people, our love feeds anxiety. We clutch at them, trying to control their actions, thinking that we know best, having only their best interests at heart.

Our message today is to love and support the ones we care for but do so without strings. Trust that Spirit watches over them, too. Trust that their journey is the right one for them. We will never surrender fully to Spirit if we can’t release our loved ones as well.

Love without parameters. Give without stipulations. If you bake someone a loaf of bread, don’t tell them that they can’t turn around and give that loaf to someone else. If they ask for advice, listen to them, and empower them, but don’t take their power to choose away. Give, if you want, because it opens your heart to give, not to control the recipient. One is born from love, the other from fear.

Have faith.

January 28, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world to help us to manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
January 28th, 2020
THE LETTER – Lenormand

Our message today is about distraction.

There are days where it is so hard to focus on our goals and our true path. We feel like we are continually batting away swarms of missives, like mosquitos. We are letting ourselves get distracted by a bombardment of text messages, emails, and social media.

Spirit advises us to turn it all off. Turn off the computer. Turn off the phone. Turn off the TV. Turn off the radio. Give yourself the gift of an hour (at least) without distraction. Rest, recenter, re-focus.

#dailytarotcard #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #thesevenofwandsreversedtarot #theletterlenormand

January 27, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world to help us to manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
January 27th, 2020
THE ANCHOR – Lenormand

Spirit is our anchor, always watching over us and keeping us on the path to our highest good.

As we navigate this lifetime, we will be continually balancing our physical and material desires with our spiritual path.

Today’s message is a reassurance that the Divine is always with us and accessible. When we need guidance, all we have to do is listen.

January 26, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world to help us to manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
January 26th, 2020
THE CLOVER – Lenormand

The Page of Wands sets out to explore an idea that they have. This idea was born from their fire, from an instinctual place.

The Clover represents a stroke of luck, success, happiness. It urges us to take a leap of faith.

Today is a good day to act on a dream, an idea, a concept that genuinely excites you. Have faith. Take the first step. It’s a fortuitous day for a new adventure.