March 25, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
March 25th, 2020
THE FOOL – Tarot
1st draw: THE SNAKE + THE WHIP + THE KEY – Lenormand
2nd draw: THE MICE + THE KEY + THE WHIP – Lenormand

The Fool card is telling us that we cannot control events, and, like the Fool, we need to relax our grip on needing control. For our peace of mind.

However, the three clarifying Lenormand cards are a warning.
The Snake (lies), The Whip (debate), The Key (secrets and success)

Some of the individuals debating solutions right now do not have our best interests at heart and are working towards secretly ensuring their own success.

I reshuffled and pulled the clarifyer cards again. And the second result was also a warning.

The Mice (stealing), The Key (success), The Whip (debate)
Our personal success is being eroded by those people debating.

Like THE FOOL, we don’t have control of a pandemic and all of the fallout from it. Right now, life feels like we are stepping off a cliff. Our message today from Spirit, however, is to be careful who we listen to, who we follow.

There are people in power who would line their pockets with coins before saving lives. You might hear it is safe to go out and congregate with others before it truly is. You might find an offer of a cure or prevention for the illness that is nothing but snake oil. Have faith in your intuition. Have faith in Spirit. Do not blindly follow your fellow man. Be careful about what you purchase. Weigh your actions with your heart.

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March 24, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
March 24th, 2020

The Nine of Swords clearly illustrates our collective anxiety today with the spread of the coronavirus, and more local governments asking us to stay home and shutting down businesses.

The Tree Lenormand stands for health, the Tower Lenormand isolation, and feelings of being trapped. The Ship Lenormand card can symbolize something coming from overseas, commerce, or even illness.

The Lenormand clarifiers describe everything panicking me right now: our health, being shut-in, and the spread of the coronavirus and fate of the global economy.

Today’s message from Spirit is an acknowledgment of what we are feeling, and, with the Tower Lenormand’s central position, a reinforcement that staying home is the right thing to do.

Swords are the suit of air, of thoughts, of communication. The Nine of Swords shows deep anxiety, but it also reminds us that our fears stem from our thoughts. We can control our thinking. We can choose to focus on topics that don’t alarm us.

Today might be a good day to resist looking at the news, to put our phones and social media away, and to focus, instead, on envisioning the world that we would like to create once this panic is passed.

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World Messages March 18 – 23

My granddaughter was staying with us for this time frame, so I didn’t have the mental clarity or energy to write up these readings, but this is what I drew.

My admiration for all parents of young children overflows, and my heart goes out to all of you sheltering in place and needing to work.


March 18, 2020


March 19, 2020
March 20, 2020



March 17, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
March 17th, 2020

This morning’s message is so clear.
We need to step up, transcend our egos and selfish needs, and look out for the elderly people in our lives.

The House Lenormand (our households) + The Lilies Lenormand (specifically, the elderly) + The Tree Lenormand (health).
The Lenormand trio is bluntly telling us that this message pertains to the well being of the elderly people in our households.

The Major Arcana Judgement card is letting us know that our actions will impact the vulnerable people that we love, and we need to keep that at the forefront of our minds. Stay mindful. Act with purpose. Our choice of behavior will either protect or harm those vulnerable to the coronavirus in our homes and villages.

We need to be honest with ourselves about our motivations, and if those motivations are not to help and protect, stop, and rethink what we are doing.

#dailytarotcards #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #tarotguidance #messagefromspirit #tarotlenormand #spiritmessagetotheworld #judgementtarot #thehouselenormand #thelilieslenormand #thetreelenormand

March 16, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
March 16th, 2020

The Four of Wands is a card celebrating homecomings. The joy of being with our village and family in celebration.

The Cross Lenormand can symbolize burdens and heartaches. The Ship Lenormand represents something that is coming from overseas, a person, commerce, a virus. The Clover Lenormand card is seen as a card of transient luck and good fortune – not hit the 100 million dollar lottery ticket luck, but rather the $10 scratch ticket luck that allows you to buy lunch. The luck that causes the sky to clear for the length of the little league game. The luck that gives you time at home with your family.

This week we are being called back to our homes and home towns from places far away, schools, study abroad, travel, work. The message today is to look for the good fortunes resulting from this forced homecoming as opposed to the burdens. There is always a blessing. If we focus on gratitude instead of the inconveniences, the joy of the Four of Wands will manifest for us.

If we live alone and far from our home village, there are ways of reaching out to family and friends afar, to bring them into our dwellings: Facetime, Facebook, WhatsApp, to name a few.

There is a musician couple on the island where I live who have started streaming live videos from their living room to the community. They call it #SocialDistanceSing, and they take requests and sing for you. They are @workmansong and @si.may0. This talented duo will be streaming live on Youtube for St. Patricks Eve at 7:30 EST, so check out their feeds for details.

Look for the luck, and it will appear.

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March 15, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
March 15th, 2020

As we stand on our battlements, awaiting the arrival of a pandemic, make sure to verify any information that you read about the virus and how it spreads. There are a lot of rumors and false hypotheses running rampant that inflate the panic.

Shine the light of truth (The Sun Lenormand) on any written missives (The Letter Lenormand) that proclaim how the virus spreads (The Ship). Keeping calm will help boost our immune systems and maintain equilibrium.

#dailytarotcards #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #tarotguidance #messagefromspirit #tarotlenormand #spiritmessagetotheworld #nineofwandstarot #theletterlenormand #thesunlenormand #theshiplenormand

March 14, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
March 14th, 2020

These cards, to me, talk once again about the coronavirus.

The Book Lenormand card represents all the knowledge that we haven’t learned yet. The unknown.

The Crossroads + the Book + the House might well affirm that we are being required this week to make choices about our home, household, and our families without really knowing what to expect.

We don’t have the information that we need to make informed decisions, and we are being asked to do so anyway.

Should we stay home from work? Is it okay to invite friends over to our homes? Is it a problem if the kids go to the park to play? Will they be bringing contaminants back home? Is it okay to visit our elderly family and friends? At this time, there is no general way of knowing who is infected. We could be carriers.

The Nine of Cups Reversed validates that the people we love are our greatest treasures and that we are scared for their safety.

I think our message from Spirit is to be concerned. We SHOULD be worried and err on the side of caution and keep our homes safe. Let us employ precautions without panic. Stay home, hydrate, savor the time with your loved ones. Be smart about visiting the elders in your life.

So much is unknown, err on the side of caution.

#dailytarotcards #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #tarotguidance #messagefromspirit #tarotlenormand #spiritmessagetotheworld #nineofcupsreversedtarot #thecrossroadslenormand #thebooklenormand #thehouselenormand

March 13, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World


The Tower Lenormand card stands for isolation. It can also represent corporations and large businesses. The Letter Lenormand card speaks of written correspondences. The House Lenormand card is seen as your home or household. These three cards combined allude to how workers are being asked to work from home, to diminish the spread of the coronavirus.

The Seven of Pentacles shows a worker, stopping their toils momentarily to contemplate their progress.

Our message today is to take advantage of this change in routine to assess our work.

This is a rare chance, standing out of the daily grind of our workplace, to step back and to really think about our jobs. We spend the majority of our week working. Do the fruits of our labor align with our higher calling? Are there things that we could do differently when at work to produce more satisfying results? What do we overlook when we trudge on our usual treadmill? Do we find joy in our vocation? What are we grateful for?

Working from home gives us a rare opportunity to stop our toils, lean on our hoes, and think about what we are building in this world.

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March 12, 2020

Message to the World
March 12th, 2020
THE KEY + THE RING – Lenormand

The Devil can represent situations that are binding us to the material realm and blinding us to Spirit. The Key Lenormand card can represent unlocking, but it can also represent the locking up of information, of keeping things secret. The Ring Lenormand card often symbolizes relationships, contracts, and cycles.

This message is asking us to evaluate if we have relationships in our lives that bind us to secrets. Maybe, over time, an accumulation of hidden baggage that weighs us down, keeping us from our highest good. Spirit asks us to look at the promises that we’ve made, promises to hold things in, to hide actions and information, and assess if it is spiritually healthy to continue to do so.

Some secrets are like splinters and can fester if left embedded too long. They distract from the present and make a mindful life difficult. If you carry some of those inside you, you may want to find a trusted source to talk to about them, or, you could start to write them down, to express them. Burn what you write afterward if you feel compelled to, but begin the process of extraction.

#dailytarotcards #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #tarotguidance #messagefromspirit #tarotlenormand #spiritmessagetotheworld #thedeviltarot #thekeylenormand #theringlenormand

March 11, 2020

I am doing a daily Tarot draw asking the Spirit, what message do you have for the world today to help us manifest our highest good?

Message to the World
March 11th, 2020

If you live in an area where illness from the coronavirus is spreading (The Coffin + The Stars), you may find yourself needing to step into a leadership role. Be prepared for this. If you aren’t used to taking the initiative, make a checklist of what you might be required to do if the people in your life who usually direct things, fall ill. Ask questions and get answers before it happens.

Will you need to pay the bills? Make sure you have access to logins for online payments and are aware of which ones take priority. Will you need to do the shopping? Do you know where to transport someone if they are incapacitated? Do you need to think about what it might take to care for sick people at home? Do you know the symptoms of the virus so that you can stop false panic or get expedited help if warranted?

When our villages are hit with a crisis, we are all called upon to step up and serve. Assume that you may be thrust out of your comfort zone, and start planning.

#dailytarotcard #heartfelttarot #dailytarotreading #tarotreadingswithheather #kingofwandsreversedtarot #thecoffinlenormand #thestarslenormand